An Overview to the Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) Test

In layman’s term, Glycosylated haemoglobin is targeted to be an estimated average blood glucose level over the preceding time of three months, giving rise to the overall long-term version of the glycemic status. Getting an understanding through An Overview to the Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) Test is important for the best result. The value is used both for diagnosis and monitoring of the blood glucose control of the patients who are suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Even though a wide value of Glycosylated haemoglobin is influenced by multiple factors, keeping them in mind is important; otherwise it might result in a false diagnosis or even a false sense of the current diabetic control. Here, you will come to learn more about Glycosylated haemoglobin and the factors which will affect its value.

What is a Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) Test?

The HbA1C is known as a blood test, which will show the average result of the blood sugar level over the period of the last 2 to 3 months’ time. Learn about the An Overview to the Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) Test to understand why this test is currently so important among the masses.

When is a liver Function Test Suggested?

  • Glucose happens to be a form of blood sugar which comes with the foods you digest. Glucose is widely used by your body cells for producing energy.
  • Insulin is one hormone that helps the glucose to get right into your cells. In case you are a diabetic patient, it means your body fails to make enough insulin. So, glucose fails to get into the cells and that results in higher blood sugar levels.
  • Glucose preferably sticks to the haemoglobin, which is a red blood cell based protein. With the blood glucose level increasing, more haemoglobin will get coated with glucose.
  • The HbA1C test helps in measuring the percentage of red blood cells which are coated with glucose. This test will show the result of the last 3 months because glucose sticks to haemoglobin as long the RBCs are alive and these cells are known to live for 3 months.

Higher A1C levels mean higher blood glucose level for the diabetic patients. Diabetes can easily cause some serious health issues. Some of those are nerve damage, kidney disease, heart disease and more. With some lifestyle changes and proper treatment from experts, you get to control your blood glucose levels big time.

What is it used for?
There are some reasons for doctors to recommend that you go through an HbA1c test procedure now. It helps in diagnosing different issues. Some of those are mentioned below for reference.

  • Prediabetes: Prediabetes actually means that the blood glucose levels are already marked as higher than normal. However, they are not that high to transform you into a diabetic patient. Some of the major lifestyle changes like daily exercise and healthy eating habits will delay and even prevent prediabetes to turn into type 2 diabetes.
  • Type 2 diabetes: This means that the blood glucose level gets way too high as the body fails to make enough insulin for moving the blood sugar from bloodstream into the cells. Or maybe the cells have actually stopped responding to the in-built insulin hormone.

In case you are a victim of prediabetes or the Type 2 one, then HbA1C can always help in keeping your health under check. It is one way to check if you are able to keep your blood sugar levels under control or not.

Why do I need an HbA1C test?

It is highly recommended for patients to know about the Best time for HbA1c test and get one such test done if you fulfil certain criteria.

When you are 45+ years of age:

  • In case you have a normal result, you can opt for this test once in every 3 years.
  • If you have prediabetes, then you have to get tested out once in every 1 to 2 years. Make sure to consult your doctor regarding when you should take a test and what the preventive measures are to follow.
  • In case the results show you are suffering from diabetes, then you have to get this test done minimum twice a year for monitoring the condition.

When you are less than 45 years of age but have higher chances of developing diabetes because:

  • You are a victim of prediabetes
  • You suffer from higher blood pressure or cholesterol level
  • You are suffering from obesity
  • Maybe your sibling or parent has type 2 diabetes
  • You suffer from heart disease or have been a victim of stroke before
  • Physically not that active for less than 3 times every week
  • Suffering from gestational diabetes
  • Suffering from PCOS

Recommendations and Advantages of measuring Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) Test

The recommended HbA1C value in diabetic patient is below the 6.5% mark by IDF. According to WHO, the value of HbA1C above 6.5% is diagnosed as DM and 5.7% to 6.4% as pre-diabetic patients.

Multiple organizations state that patients should opt for HbA1C test twice every year, especially if you have fluctuating blood sugar levels. This measurement is targeted to:

  • Check blood sugar control within pre-diabetic patients
  • Monitoring blood sugar level in diabetic patients with previous results of higher blood sugar

What do the results mean?

Much like the Glycosylated Hemoglobin Test in Mumbai, the HbA1C results will let you know the level of haemoglobin as coated with glucose. You will get a normal percentage within the test result. The normal range depends on your age, health and other factors. Make sure to ask your provider regarding the healthy A1C percentage for you.

Approximate relation between HbA1c values and eAG (estimated average glucose) measurements

The Diagnostic Center in Mumbai will let you know more about the approximate relation between HbA1c values and eAG measurements. Visit their sites to get hold of the online chart.

Is there anything else I need to know about an HbA1C test?

Remember that the A1C test is not used for diagnosing type 1 diabetes. In case you have conditions affecting red blood cells, then A1C test might not be an accurate measurement. To learn the details of such test, visit Agilus Diagnostics now.